The Official Moran Holiday Card Retrospective
You look forward to it every December (and that one time in November).
Do you remember your favorite? Take this stroll down our holiday card memory lane any time of year!
The “Monkey Socky” hats
See no evil. Hear No evil. Speak no evil. The photo card that started it all! As soon as TG received her “Monkey Socky” hat (as she called it) as a gift, Deb knew just what the next year’s card would be. Little did we know it would start a tradition that would endure year after year!
Back when photo booth props were all the rage!
Photo booth meets barbershop triplet?
The family photo
Remember the year that Hanukkah was so early that it started the night before Thanksgiving?! We got traditional because Deb was contemplating a portrait biz back then (and still learning the finer points of not editing faces too much).
New furniture!
Same seats.
The 2014 card was one of our best.
The year without a photo
2015 was a chaotic year (cancer, anyone?), and we just couldn’t get our act together. Seemed like a good time for a retrospective of all our photo cards up to that point.
Invasion of the Christmas village
Shrinking our selves down to go skating in the Christmas village was a fun time. Even the cat was entertained!
This was the year we took the images to the next level. Photoshopping genius, if I do say so myself.
Or was it 1987?
Why does Deb still have that awful shirt?
Possibly the best ever version of Nighthawks
We loved this one so much that it hangs on our wall.
Naughty elf shenanigans
Andy has given up his career as a scout elf. Unfortunately, he’s become a bit of a lush and is pretty much useless. We hope he will abandon his love for Tito’s and get on a better path soon.
The year without pants
Well, except for the cat. And since Adam continues to work from home… well…
Spot the differences
This year we introduced a bit of interactivity. The QR code led to an answer key and some other fun.
The three Stooges
Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!
If you knew my grandmother, Mimi, you know how much she would have loved this one.
This. is. Jeopardy!
Get the pun with our cat (his name is Alex)?
The QR code leads to an awesome sauce, interactive Jeopardy! game. Check it out!
Dun dun!
This year, credit for the theme goes to my brother, who suggested it because TG and Hubs have been binge watching old (and new) episodes of Law & Order (both original and SVU).