That Time of Year

That Time of Year

It’s that time of year again, when we send out our (in?)famous holiday greeting. This year, credit for the theme goes to my brother, who suggested it because TG and Hubs have been binge watching old (and new) episodes of Law & Order (both original and SVU). Maybe next year, we’ll come up with one that’s not TV-related. In the meantime… enjoy! And yes, the photos were all made by me – except for TG pressing the button on the ones OF me.

And for extra fun, here are some behind-the-scenes images:

If, by some chance, you see this post before most of the cards are delivered, please don’t spoil the surprise for others by sharing this page. I’ll share this to the masses in about a week.

And now, feel free to stroll down memory lane by viewing the official Moran Holiday Card Retrospective!
FYI: this year’s QR Code just leads back to this post. 🙂


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