We have kicked off the summer with a lot of fun so far. Last week, we went with my BFF Sia and her daughters to the Racine Zoo. It’s a really cute little zoo. The animals seemed like they were well taken care of. So much so that I didn’t feel as sad for them as I usually do when I see animals in captivity.
The Girl was so excited to see this tortoise as soon as we walked into the zoo.
I think this tortoise wanted out, but he was out of luck.
“I am so handsome!”
“Why is my savannah peeling?”
I just want to snuggle him!
Looking regal.
Staring at the wall, waiting for something.
We all loved the meerkats. Especially The Girl, who accidentally opened her camera battery door and dropped some AAs into the enclosure. Not to worry – a keeper came and retrieved them post haste.
Watching out for…. icebergs?
Watching to see what we’d do next.
“What, I like his feet. Got a problem with that?”
One of the girls was blowing dandelion seeds at them. They were rapt.
Meerkat on watch.
Walkabout Creek had Wallaroos and Red Tailed Kangaroos wandering among us. Talk about a wild experience!
Must wash my face of gras stains.
Across the great divide of the Zebra enclosure.
Could you imagine looking out your back bedroom window everyday and seeing giraffes? In the MIDWEST?!
Watching one of the giraffes having a snack. Yes, that is a house in the neighborhood just beyond the fence.
Posing in front of the giraffe enclosure. She found that stick when we first arrived, and carried it all throughout the zoo. Some things never change.
Just caught my eye.
Chives encircling the outdoor primate enclosure at the Racine Zoo.
More chives.
Bees were pollinating the chives encircling the outdoor primate enclosure.
Birds do it… bees do it…
The Girl finished off the afternoon with some Dippin’ Dots. She got a little sugar crazed.
On Sunday, we took The Girl to her first ever Cubs game at Wrigley Field. I brought along my big girl camera with a rented Tamron lens (that I’ve decided not to purchase – my L series kit lens has spoiled me), got some great shots, drank some beer, Cubs won, and The Girl got to run the bases after the game. All in all, an awesome day.
Before the game, we got to go down to the wall along the 1st base line. I’d never been so close to the field before.
Kris Bryant warming up before the game… or practicing for his Rockette audition?
Gotta get the KB butt shot. 🙂
I love watching him stretch.
KB tossing the ball, pregame.
Addison Russell doing yoga?
I can’t help but smile and envision that SI article whenever I see Arrieta pitch.
Capturing the boys from her own perspective.
KB at bat.
Rizzo at bat.
Javi at bat.
THAT’s how you start a game!
The iconic ivy at Wrigley are iconic.
Scoreboard workers watching the final outs from inside the scoreboard.
Oh, to feel the power of a $13,000 Lens.
We started out getting to the gates at Wrigley about 10:30, to get in line for a wristband to run the bases (the first 1000 kids get to do it after Sunday afternoon home games). It was a scorcher, but thankfully, our seats were 14th row of the terrace reserved seats, which gave us plenty of shade for the whole game.
Foot on the 3rd base bag!
Heading home!
And… she’s in!
Yesterday, The Girl started her week long Ultimate Coding Camp. She’s learning to program robots (called turtles – she’s ecstatic about that) to do her Minecraft mining and also a bit of Python. I love that she’s doing this. And it’s only 3 hours/day for a week, so it’s not like she’s being a hermit all summer. There’s still plenty of time to be outdoors and be a kid. Anyway, while she does that, I’m getting time to blog (as in what you’re reading right now). I’m currently hanging at my cousin’s house while she’s out of town, letting her dog out, watering the plants, and stepping in some serious shit. Literally. Big ol’ dog turd in the backyard. I swear I was looking, but must’ve missed this one. I’m just thankful I didn’t wipe out when I slipped! So yeah, that was gross. And it kind of smelled skunky – the good kind. But not that good. Still love the dog, though.