This past week in my Botanical Photography & Lighting class, we focused (ha) on still life images again. Some students directed their lenses towards a few pansies and another plant in more natural light, but I was all about working at the station with the Ice Light, and that station had the red onion (cut in frangrant half) and leeks. Not super exciting subjects, though they gave us great opportunities to experiment more with lighting.
Not to be confused with @HalfOnionInABag on Twitter,:this image was made in class during Botanical Portrait Photography & Lighting at Chicago Botanic Gardens.
Images of the more photogenic of the two leeks on offer in class (Botanical Portrait Photography & Lighting at Chicago Botanic Gardens):
We were to continue the comestible still life practice for homework. I opted to take photos of a dragon fruit. Other than being frustrated by the imperfections in how my lightbox fuzzy backdrop appears to the point that I did make some edits in post-processing, I was quite pleased with how the images turned out.
I submitted these last two as my completed homework:
When I’d finished photographing the dragon fruit, The Girl and I were excited to find out what it tasted like. I’d read it was supposed to be sweet, but it tasted like a whole lot of nothing – in the way jicama does. Oh well. Live and learn.