New York State of Mind

New York State of Mind

I’m so sorry that life has been in the way of me writing about my latest travels, and this post has some less than perfect pictures (odd color, crops that didn’t take), but I wanted to be sure to share this before the imminent holiday post.

It’s been much longer than a New York minute, but I finally got back to my favorite city in October. This time, it was for a siblings adventure to celebrate my brother Brian’s turn of a half century. We ate, drank, walked, and subway-ed up and down Manhattan for four days (with a quick side trip to Brooklyn). But first, a tale of fortune…

Our plane had boarded and we were ready to hit the runway when the pilot informed us that pre-flight inspection revealed evidence of a possible bird strike, and we’d be delayed while they inspected it further. When the damage was confirmed, they had us all deplane, with all of our carry-on belongings, while they determined if we needed to switch to a plane that had not been attacked by birds. 

Right across from the gate was a contraption out of The Price is Right… Passenger Plinko sponsored by American’s Advantage Card. Not knowing yet how much time I had, I figured I’d get in line to play. I could always bolt if needed. I had a nice time chatting with the two people behind me, and before I knew it, I was up with little time to spare. Potential prizes included earbuds, a sound machine, a travel bag (AA branded toiletry bag), free on-board wi-fi, and a tablet computer. Obviously, the tablet was the top prize, and you know it’s impossible to get, right? 

Click to see the video better – and with sound.
After winning the tablet in Passenger Plinko, they wanted to take my photo. I still couldn’t believe I won.

I could not believe it! I mean, it’s not an iPad, but still, yay me! Right after that, I boarded the plane and got excited for NYC!

This was truly a planes, trains, and automobiles trip – just not in that order. After landing, I went on a hunt for the bus that would take me to the NJ Transit stop at the airport. It was a hike, but I found it, and of course just missed the train. I was getting hungry by now, and the delay in Chicago made my timing a bit tight to grab lunch. I had my airplane cookies (LOVE Biscoff!) while flying, and ate a protein puck and a granola bar that I had in my backpack to hold me over until dinner later. The train ride to Penn Station NY was packed, so I spent it standing just inside the vestibule between cars. 

By the time I got to the hotel, Brian was on the train, on his way in from a Bat Mitzvah in the ‘burbs, so I was actually awake when he got in. I’m sure we were asleep by around 12:30, but I really have no idea (see cocktails mentioned above).

In the morning, we made our way to our first Must Do of the trip: Russ & Daughters.

Bellies full, we continued on foot back up towards mid-town and took in the sights of the city.

Little did we know the surprises in store for us!

Before the show started.

We had not eaten solid food since our bagels at 11:30, so we were for sure ready to get some dinner. We headed up and east to Serendipity 3, and I got the Infamous Truffle Burger – the one that I once told TG I’d leave their father to marry. When my plate arrived, I looked at it lovingly, and said, “Oh, how I’ve missed you!” As I struggled to find an angle to capture the beautiful dish, the man next to us kindly offered to take a pic of the both of us.
BJ said he was only going to have a bite of the frozen hot chocolate, so I had to make it extra enticing. I knew he couldn’t resist the peanut butter & chocolate version. Yeah, he ate about half. LOL.

When BJ woke up the next morning, he was pleased to find he did, in fact, wake up. Welcome to Club 50! He trained a client and did a bit of a workout (I forget if he ran or used the hotel gym), and I did what I do.

I dropped in a CrossFit Hell’s Kitchen- only a six minute walk from our hotel. After the WOD, Tom and I stood in front of the logo for the requisite post-drop-in photo. He was telling me to flex, but my old lady bat wings made it not so pretty. LOL.

After a much needed shower, we went walking again. This time, we headed to the upper west side to meet up with a friend of BJ’s for lunch at Vanessa’s Dumpling House.  And then we walked some more.

BJ’d been looking forward to pizza (that’s his jam) at Don Antonio. We went there for dinner and were joined by our cousin, Miriam.

On our last night in NY, we met up with BJ’s buddy, Kim, at Terroir – a wine bar in Tribeca. It happens to be located just around the corner from T-Swizzle’s pad, or so I’ve been told. Anyway, at this bar, they will give you splashes of whatever you’d like to taste, and when you find one you like, you can order a full pour or half pour. It was a fab time, even though we didn’t run into my hall pass (Ryan Reynolds) who I hear lives in that area. I did, however, have a few tummy flipping moments because every other dude in the place was channeling his look – not just the outfit, but the hair and even the glasses! When I tell you that the wine list is a literal 3″ binder, I’m not exaggerating. And you know what? I decided to just skip looking at it. Aside from ordering small bites to eat (I had some calamari), I relied on the in-house expertise to select my wines. First, Kim had us drinking a Riesling. Hell if I remember what it was, but it was not sweet, like you’d expect of a Riesling. In fact, it was quite dry. Kim explained to us that this particular wine was developed to appeal to beer drinkers, because unlike most wines, the yeast was left in there – at least, that’s what I think I remember he said.

We woke up the next morning, and did a bit more of the city with our bags in tow. I’d guess that my backpack and rollaboard suitcase weighed at least 30 pounds each. As I traversed curbs and climbed multiple flights of subway stairs, I kept telling myself, “THIS is why I do CrossFit.” Seriously, there is no way I could have done this trip like this in my pre-CF body.

We made one stop at Prince Street Pizza, another iconic pizza joint, for a couple of slices of Detroit style pizza. It was definitely worth the schlep. After that, we made our way to Penn to grab the NJ transit back to the airport.



Even BJ was wiped out from our last day ruck through the city. Thankfully, we made it home without delay or incident.


New York, I miss you already and can’t wait to see you again!

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