It’s what? Na(tional)Blo(g)Po(sting)Mo(nth). Since since 2006, during the month of November, bloggers ’round the world pledge to write (and publish) a blog post every day. Some succeed, some fail. I figure if I could take a photo a day for over 4 years, I can write every day for 30. Besides, it was that or No-Shave-November, and really, isn’t cheating if it’s something I already do (or don’t do) most days once pants-weather hits?
So, this is my first NaBloPoMo entry. As a bonus, I’ll try to include a photo every day, but I’m not sure that will happen, as this endeavor is really about the writing. Some days, you’ll be lucky to get a bus stop photo with a weather report. Also, some posts will undoubtedly be based on prompts from BlogHer (who took over NaBloPoMo in 2011), seeing as I’m not sure I could come up with unique thoughts for 30 days in a row. So, if my ramblings seem very random on a given day, you’ll know why.
Yesterday was Halloween, but here in my town, we trick or treat on the Sunday afternoon before Halloween (unless Halloween actually falls on a weekend). We have very specific hours: from 2-5, because heaven forbid our kids go out after dark. Happily, there was not a Bears game at the same time this year, so it was an extra fun day to hang out on the porch, with some adult beverages (this year, like most, we’ve been really lucky with the weather). There was a big bruhaha over the day of trick or treating this fall. Our mayor announced on her Facebook page that T or T was going to be moved to Saturday. I believe this was announced a mere 6 weeks ago. At the time, I was excited, because having the constant ring of the doorbell during the game was annoying (this was before I realized there was no game on Sunday). But, as it turns out, thousand of kids would have been forced to choose between their sports team commitments and trick or treating, as most fall leagues in the area schedule specifically around when our town celebrates Halloween. I’m happy to say our mayor listened to all of the commenters (and several were quite rude) and moved it back to Sunday for this year, with the plan to change it next year, and with much more notice than 6 weeks. Happiness for all.
Let’s go Cubbies! #FlyTheW