I haven’t posted in quite a while, so I thought I’d at least share this.
We’ve been dealing with flu over here, so that’s fun. My poor kiddo can’t take Tamiflu (barf-o-rama), so she had it pretty bad. Luckily for me, I can handle Tamiflu just fine, so I’m not nearly as bad as she was. Despite my well-documented history of fever spikes, I’ve been below 101 thus far thanks to that lovely drug (whereas she came two tenths of a degree from a late night ER visit).

Hubs and I don’t do Valentine’s Day gifts. But, we do do (ha ha) cards and flowers. I think we both killed it in the card came this year.
My card to him His card to me
In other news, I’ve been working on my food photography skills. As practiced as I am, boy is food photography a horse of a different color! Hopefully, it’ll lead to much better images to accompany the recipes I post. For the latest practice shots, check out my Flickr gallery or go right to my Flickr page.