Category: <span>Recipes</span>

Severed Witches’ Fingers

Today was The Girl’s class Halloween party, and I was tasked with making cookies. Well, ok, I signed up for cookies – because I knew just what I wanted to do. I made a recipe similar to one I’d tried a couple of years ago, but as good as they …

Holla for Challah!

This week, Jews celebrate Rosh Hashana (literally translated: Rosh – head and Hashana – the year), Jewish New Year 5777. Technically, the new year began at sundown this past Sunday night, which is when we had my family over for dinner. There were 14 of us, and it was a great …

Boat Drinks

Once upon a time, in a house far far away (well, about an hour from where I live now), when summer Friday evenings came along, Hubs and I used to enjoy boat drinks on our deck after work. Once every couple of years, my cousin Michelle calls or texts and …

Rockstar and Red Beans

Just a quick note to let you all know that I had my 3 month follow-up with Alla on Friday, and I’m still a rockstar. I rock so hard, my RBCs broke in the tube and they had to redraw my blood. Everything’s all good (i.e. still cancer-free), and the whole …

Fridge Pickles

We recently had a BBQ with friends. Usually, we buy a jar of pickles for this BBQ (it’s an annual get together), two people eat them, and then the jar sits in our fridge, pushed to the back, until the following year, when we buy a new jar and toss the old. …

Crockpot Thai Peanut Chicken

People, I’ve made a decision to start eating like a grownup. I started this venture back at the end of May, with the help of my (now) friend Izzy Libman, a personal trainer and nutrition coach. I had the whole workout commitment thing down, but the food part was eluding …