Category: <span>Entrees</span>

Rockstar and Red Beans

Just a quick note to let you all know that I had my 3 month follow-up with Alla on Friday, and I’m still a rockstar. I rock so hard, my RBCs broke in the tube and they had to redraw my blood. Everything’s all good (i.e. still cancer-free), and the whole …

Crockpot Thai Peanut Chicken

People, I’ve made a decision to start eating like a grownup. I started this venture back at the end of May, with the help of my (now) friend Izzy Libman, a personal trainer and nutrition coach. I had the whole workout commitment thing down, but the food part was eluding …

Breakfast Burrito

I just made a delicious breakfast burrito. I credit my brother for introducing me to this concept several years back on a 5K race day. Today’s concoction was a simple one, but you can really add anything you want. One day, I made one for lunch and threw in some …

Change Your Life Sammich

Last night, I prematurely posted a link to a sandwich recipe on my friend Erin’s blog. I say prematurely, because at the time, I merely thought it looked good enough to share. Oh, people. I had no idea. I went grocery shopping today, and bought the fixin’s to make Erin’s …