Category: <span>Photography</span>

That Time of Year

It’s that time of year again, when we send out our (in?)famous holiday greeting. This year, credit for the theme goes to my brother, who suggested it because TG and Hubs have been binge watching old (and new) episodes of Law & Order (both original and SVU). Maybe next year, …

‘Tis (Late in) the Season

I realize I’m a bit tardy with this holiday card post, but so has been the mail. I do think all of the cards have been delivered, so I’d like to share our latest holiday greeting shenanigans with you, the web-o-sphere. I also realized that I never posted cards from …

CrossFit Open 2019

This year was the first year I participated in the CrossFit Open (last year I felt too new to it all). The Open is a 5-week competition that serves as a qualifier for the CrossFit Games. Most participants (including myself) are not at that level where we expect to gain …

Omelette Muffin Cups

My friend, Annette, recently expressed annoyance at recipe bloggers who drone on about some story connected to whatever recipe they’re sharing. If you’re like Annette, and just want to get to the recipe already, click here: Show me the money! For the rest of you, here’s the story… I was …