Category: <span>Other Stuff</span>


Hey yo! Exciting news, peeps… As a substitute teacher, I recently became eligible to get a COVID vaccine and I got the first dose of the Moderna vaccine yesterday! For those with inquiring minds, the vaccine itself did not hurt at all – I barely felt it. By evening, my …

Overnight Oats

A while back, I became intrigued by the idea of overnight oats. I tried once or twice, then gave up because they were just ok. Recently, I decided to try again and hit the jackpot! First, I made the decision to use steel cut oats. Partially because I’d never had …

‘Tis (Late in) the Season

I realize I’m a bit tardy with this holiday card post, but so has been the mail. I do think all of the cards have been delivered, so I’d like to share our latest holiday greeting shenanigans with you, the web-o-sphere. I also realized that I never posted cards from …

Christmas Eve Yummies

In this last post today, you get not one, but TWO recipes… my Christmas Gift to you! First, the rumaki. My BIL, Tony, makes this every Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Though we are celebrating separately because of COVID, I had to make the rumaki. I texted him to ask …