Category: <span>Other Stuff</span>

Coconut Macaroons

I’ve never been a huge fan of those coconut macaroons that are a staple of every Seder dessert table. Then again, I’ve only ever had the Manischewitz variety from the can. Today, I made some from scratch! I found the recipe in Stacey Ballis‘ book, Out to Lunch. Here it is – …

Doin’ It Right

I’ll be the first to admit that my child is not perfect, but I won’t go into details because I just can’t be that mom. Someday, she’ll find my blog, read what I’ve written, and I figure I’ll do enough damage in day-to-day parenting imperfections, that I don’t need to …

DMV Hell

Yesterday morning, I drove to the DMV to renew my drivers license and get a replacement sticker for hubs’ plate. When I got there, the lot was empty. I forgot that they’re closed on Mondays. This morning, I went back. Being the end of the month/year, and that I had …

Michiana Mishegas

Every July 4th, the family on hubs’ side gathers at my BIL Tony & SIL Megan’s summer home in Michiana for a few days of fun and shenanigans. This year was special, because we celebrated another SIL, Heloise, turning the big five-oh. It was also special because I finally figured …

Work It

My husband ordered some shirts with French cuffs from Macy’s. They arrived today. The designer is Sean John. ME: Do you know who Sean John is? HIM: Yes. ME: You bought P. Diddy shirts on purpose? HIM: It was that, or Donald Trump. Ok then. Now, if you’ll excuse me, …

Time to Forget

I had been laid off from my corporate job two months prior. I was still trying to pretend to get up in the mornings, so I’d leave my bed, head for the couch, turn on TLC and fall back asleep. That morning, my husband (then boyfriend) called and woke me. …