Category: <span>Fitness</span>

A Few Tidbits

First, in addition to Facebook, Twitter, and email (look to the right side of this page), you can follow my blog with Bloglovin. Second, I’m becoming quite the CrossFit junkie. Who woulda thunk it? It all began over winter break, when my BIL and SIL coerced me into going one …

MoranFest 2017

MoranFest is what the spouses of Morans call the days surrounding Christmas – because it’s all Morans, all the time. I feel compelled to share some highlights with you, dear readers. This year, MoranFest kicked off Thursday with the arrival of the Westport Morans at the home of our matriarch, …

Still Running

Yesterday, The Girl and my brother, Brian (or, Uncle DooJay, as she calls him), ran in the (usually annual) ROAR Run 5k to benefit our PTA. I recruited him to be her running partner because I will do everything in my power to avoid another bout of plantar fasciitis, and …

Trying Something New

This post is all about The Girl. She actually asked me to put this up on my blog, so how could I say no? 4th Grade is presenting all sorts of new extra curricular opportunities, which is very exciting. First up was Cross Country. The Girl has always loved to …

Checkup Time!

Last week, Thursday, I went back to Ye Ol’ Kellogg to reunite with all of my oncology peeps for my 3 month checkup. When I told The Girl (this morning) that I was headed here, she said, “Well, it’s pretty obvious you still don’t have cancer anymore.” Aww. In any case, …

Training/Photo Walk

On Saturday, I ran the first outside training run I’ve done in years. When I ran my route – the same route I used to run when I ran regularly – I noticed it with a different eye this time. A photographer’s eye. It’s spring, and I’m seeing budding trees. …