Category: <span>CrossFit</span>

Two(ish) Months Post-Op

I’d planned on doing weekly or monthly updates, but then with increased activity, life got in the way of my writing. Let’s catch you all up to date, shall we? Last we spoke, I’d been dealing with an opening at the intersection of my fleur-de-lis incisions. By Friday, May 10th, …

A Bisel Update

Last week, Hubs and I got tested for COVID antibodies. We pretty much knew mine would be positive, but since he never really had symptoms, we weren’t sure about him. So, we went out on our first date in at least nine months. Romantically holding hands as we walked through …

CrossFit Open 2019

This year was the first year I participated in the CrossFit Open (last year I felt too new to it all). The Open is a 5-week competition that serves as a qualifier for the CrossFit Games. Most participants (including myself) are not at that level where we expect to gain …

Merry Liftmas!

One year ago, I began a journey that I never imagined I’d come to love so much. It was a year ago that my sister-in-law Sara and her husband Liam dragged me to my first CrossFit workout. Little did I know what was in store for me. I thought I …

Omelette Muffin Cups

My friend, Annette, recently expressed annoyance at recipe bloggers who drone on about some story connected to whatever recipe they’re sharing. If you’re like Annette, and just want to get to the recipe already, click here: Show me the money! For the rest of you, here’s the story… I was …

Save the Boobies!

We interrupt our regularly scheduled (and belated) blogging to bring you the following important message. Cancer sucks. Only if you’ve been living under a rock can you say no one in your life has been touched by cancer. In my immediate family alone, three of us have faced it, fought …