Category: <span>Cancer</span>


I have no idea the last time I posted a cancer post. It’s been a minute. I haven’t bothered posting about my checkups in the last few years (unless it was incidental to some other post), which I faithfully attended every six months. Here’s how the visit would typically go… …

Clearing My Plate

I have soooo overextended myself this school year, but I’m finally whittling things down and getting some responsibilities out of the way. You know things are extreme when I print my holiday cards (which went out today) with errors – grammatical and otherwise. Subbing was off to a grand beginning …

Checkup: Check!

I’ve been so busy, I’ve been remiss in my postings. Let’s backtrack… June 9th, I was scheduled for my 6 month CT scan and follow up with Alla a few days after. Unfortunately, I had a cold, so while I went through with the CT, I thought it best to …

Two Years Ago

Two years ago today (March 31, 2015), I was on my way to my weekly acupuncture appointment with high school friend and acupuncture expert Jason Bussell, when I received a phone call giving me the scariest news I could ever possibly hear.  The lung needle biopsy I had a couple …

Checkup Time!

Last week, Thursday, I went back to Ye Ol’ Kellogg to reunite with all of my oncology peeps for my 3 month checkup. When I told The Girl (this morning) that I was headed here, she said, “Well, it’s pretty obvious you still don’t have cancer anymore.” Aww. In any case, …

One Helluva Week (and a Half)

Wow, talk about craziness ramping up for the holidays. I had my 6 month CT scan. Everything looked good, except for a few, very slightly enlarged lymph nodes. Alla was not at all concerned, because I’d been having winter allergy stuff going on – sore throat, post-nasal drip… you know, …