Category: <span>Cruising</span>

Heading Home

We are under quarantine, as The Girl and I are suffering from some sort of bug that has graced us with coughing and fever. I will say, a part of me is immensely thankful that she has the same symptoms I do (though her fever is higher), because the last …

Last Full Day

On this snowy day, I give you the penultimate installment of this edition of the cruise journal … Cruise 1-16-16 It’s our last full day on board. How sad. I really do wish we could do a longer cruise. I could easily enjoy back to back cruises to go for 14 …

Happy Birthday in Cozumel

As I sit here, freezing my tuchas off, I thought it was a good time to revisit The Girl’s birthday on our cruise. Cruise – Friday 1-15-16 We actually got to sleep a bit this morning – in theory, because our excursion meeting time wasn’t until about 9am. But, after …


I give you… cruise journal installment #4. Cruise – Thursday 1-14-16 Last night, we were all pretty wiped out, so Hubs, The Girl, and I turned in early. And once again, arose before the butt crack of dawn (7:00 am meeting time) to catch our excursion connection. We were in …

Costa Maya

Rather than have a bazillion pics, I’m digi-scrapping some stuff, hence the delay in posting this 3rd installment of the cruise journal.  Cruise – Wednesday 1-13-16 Last night, The Girl skipped the kids club because there aren’t enough kids her age or older who go by there at night. Instead, …