I hope that as you read this, you’re healthy and staying home. In all of the Coronavirus Quarantine craziness, I forgot to post about our last day at C2E2!
Our final morning started with an awesome spotlight panel – more Mark Ruffalo – with Clare Kramer bonus! Click any image to start a slideshow you can scroll through.
Not only did Clare Kramer introduce Mark Ruffalo for his spotlight panel, but she moderated too! Bonus celeb time! When Mark came out on stage, it was almost as thrilling as when we met face to face the day before. When Mark came out on stage, it was almost as thrilling as when we met face to face the day before. She looks about as excited to be talking to him as we are to be seeing him! For those who didn’t get the close seats, they put the whole thing up on the big screen. After Clare asked him the planned questions, Mark took some from the audience. He laughed and got a kick out of it when someone asked about the best pranks played on set. He had a tough time coming up with examples that weren’t “blue.” Because he’s just so dang cute.
After that awesome spotlight panel, we met up with my cousin’s hubby, Jason (how did I not get a photo of/with him?), and we made our way to the Family HQ area for the kids’ cosplay contest. There was some tough competition, but The Girl finished in the top 3 for her age group.

Just as we finished up with the contest, In a last minute decision, The Girl’s friend from overnight camp showed up to join us for the day. They got to run off on their own while Jason and I wandered to check out last day shopping opportunities.
The Girl and her camp friend had a great time hanging together. Requisite photo op to show they were there.
And of course, The Girl had to stop by her favorite booth one more time.

The Cosplay Masquerade was something else. The costumes were pretty darn amazing, but the novel part was that the entrants had to “perform” as their character. Some were good, but most were fodder for Simon Cowell. The one performance that really stood out for us was the group winner. They did a mashup of Rocky Horror and Doctor who that was absolutely brilliant (pun intended).

And thus ended our great adventure into the world of C2E2. We are hoping to attend the Wizard World Convention in August, but we will have to see what pans out with the quarantine orders.
Next up, I hope to share with you how we’ve been passing our time in stay-at-home isolation.