First, in addition to Facebook, Twitter, and email (look to the right side of this page), you can follow my blog with Bloglovin.
Second, I’m becoming quite the CrossFit junkie. Who woulda thunk it? It all began over winter break, when my BIL and SIL coerced me into going one Saturday. I didn’t totally hate it, so I got myself a 10-class punch card and started going sporadically on Fridays with my friend Kit (who goes 3-4x weekly). At the start, Kit and I were lifting the same or I was even going heavier than she was. By the time spring break rolled around, she’d surpassed me. I got pissed. I can’t have that now! So, over spring break, I went with her 3 times, finished off my punch card, and signed up for a full membership. I’m currently going 3x weekly, and sometimes, I’ll even go 4x. I absolutely love how empowering it is and how strong I’m becoming.
I have to tell you, in just the last two weeks of going 3x weekly, I’ve noticed little changes. I feel a little firmer, and my clothes are a little looser. I have pretty much ditched the scale, because as Kit said today, the scale is a lying bitch. And you know what? I’m too much of a badass to care what she has to say!
Now, if you follow me on Instagram or we are Facebook friends, you may have seen these videos before. If not, or you just want to bask in my awesomeness again, allow me ot present a little montage:
Of course, new workout regimen requires new accessories.
Third (forgot that I’m counting, did you?), I’ve decided to take a step back from any attempts to make money at photography. Why? Well, I realized that turning it into work takes the joy out of it. So, on Monday, I’ll give my creative juices a boost with the start of a botanical portraiture class at the Botanic Gardens. I’m really excited about it. Stay tuned for some awesome images.