We interrupt our regularly scheduled (and belated) blogging to bring you the following important message.
Cancer sucks. Only if you’ve been living under a rock can you say no one in your life has been touched by cancer. In my immediate family alone, three of us have faced it, fought it and beat it. Many of you know I had lymphoma a few years ago. Before that, my dad kicked prostate cancer in the butt, and my mom is a breast cancer survivor (or thriver, as she prefers to put it).
Note: This is not another awareness campaign. I think we’re all pretty darn aware of breast cancer by now. Barbells for Boobs is about helping people get screening for early detection and supporting patients with an emphasis on health and fitness after they’ve received a breast cancer diagnosis. Let me tell you – early detection post diagnosis support are EVERYTHING!
You may know that I have fallen into the CrossFit habit. Not only is it a great way to stay in shape, but it’s a fantastic community of people, supportive in ever way and I am so thrilled to be a part of it all. Now, for an awesome opportunity… CrossFit Kilter, where I sweat my mornings away, is hosting a free event in support of Barbells for Boobs this Saturday October 20, 2018. Come out and join us at 9am for opening remarks followed by your choice of three workouts that are all crossfitter/non-crossfitter friendly. This free event is open to anyone and everyone! Ever wondered if CrossFit was for you? Come give it a try! You can do one workout, two, all three – or just come watch. We want you there!
Look, I know people are always asking for everyone to donate to their favorite charity. I get it. It’s a lot to ask. It gets annoying. But, if you have the inclination, please consider an online donation in support of my fundraising efforts for Barbells for Boobs*, and come join me and the Kilter fam on Saturday for what is sure to be a fantastic event!
Here’s how to find us: https://crossfitkilter.com/location/.
*If I’ve ever donated in support one of your fundraising efforts, like St. Baldrick’s – it’s time to reciprocate. Yep, I went there with the guilt trip.