Rigoulot Bar

Rigoulot Bar

In 2015, Rogue produced this fully functional replica of one of weightlifting’s most iconic pieces of equipment – Charles Rigoulot’s barbell. Weighing in a 254 pounds, the modern adaptation of the Rigoulot Bar features the same unique 8-foot length as the 1930 original, along with retro globular ends recreated as precision-machined, solid steel spheres. Rigoulot, a French weightlifter and former Olympia, once used a bar like this to set the world record in the One Hand Snatch at 253 lbs.
At the 2015 Arnold Classic, Russian weightlifting champion Mikhail Koklyaev was given the honor of trying to break that 85-year-old record with the replica bar, but Rigoulot’s feat would remain unmatched yet again.

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